Implant Supported Dentures


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Phone: (619) 971-2297

Implant Supported Dentures are the best value to permanently replace your teeth when natural decay has run its course. Implant supported bridges are another option, but run at about three times the cost.

A specialist performs the implant procedure. First if all, you will need a CT Scan before the consultation and treatment. You may send one to or have one done in a local lab for $80-100.


Consultation Fee: $50
Teeth extractions as needed: $80 each
Bone Graft per area if needed: $410
Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) healing factor if needed: $330
Cost for 4 implants with attachments and denture: $5200 per arch
Permanent Denture: $650 per arch
Total Cost per arch: $5850 per arch (x2 for full mouth dentures)

Appointment 1

A local lab performs a CT scan. Dr. Baker takes impressions for the immediate denture. The specialist will then perform the consultation and treatment. The specialist places 4 implants if your condition allows for it. A few hours later the denture will be ready. Finally, Dr. Baker will place the denture.

Sometimes your bone will need bonegraft and PRP for strength and volume. You will then need 3 or 4 months of healing time before implants can be placed.

Appointment 2

(3-4 months later)
The specialist will uncover the implants and place the attachments. Dr. Baker will take impressions.

Appointment 3

(delivery, 1-3 days later)
Dr. Baker will mount your dentures on the attachments. She will make any adjustments if needed.

Follow Up

It is always best to give the new dentures a try. It is like getting a new pair of shoes and many sore spots will work themselves out in a few days and your gums will toughen up. Call us if you need an adjustment. 

Difficulty speaking:

If you will have some difficulty with speaking, this is normal. With practice, you will quickly adapt, so be patient!  Soon you will find it more difficult to speak properly without them. Every patient adjusts at his or her own rate, so just practice and give it some time.

Difficulty eating:

You will have to also get used to eating with your new denture because you do not chew the same as you did when you had your own teeth. Natural teeth chew in an up and down motion, but denture teeth use a side to side motion. Cut your food into smaller pieces when eating. Don’t get frustrated because you will improve with practice. 

Other problems:

Other issues may include food under dentures, functional problems, loose dentures, lack of retention, need for adhesives or feeling of fullness. Certain medications may increase the amount of saliva produced therefore resulting in an increase in sore spots and more difficulties adapting to the dentures. Some denture patients may experience an excessive amount of saliva initially but this will alleviate itself.

Future Appointments:

Make an appointment as soon as you develop any sores or change in the fit of the denture(s), or if any other problem you would like to have addressed. Normally we recommend a six-month appointment and then yearly appointments to update your medical history and have denture evaluated for fit, bite, and aesthetics. Dr. Baker will examine the soft tissues for denture irritation and perform an oral cancer screening. We will clean and disinfect your denture. 

Caring for Dentures:

 Handle dentures with great care. To avoid accidentally dropping them, stand over a folded towel or a full sink of water when handling dentures. Brush and rinse your dentures daily. Like natural teeth, dentures must be brushed daily to remove food and plaque. Brushing also helps prevent the development of permanent stains on the dentures.

How to clean your denture

Use a brush with soft-bristled brush because a hard brush can damage or wear down dentures. Gently brush all surfaces of the dentures and be careful not to damage the plastic or bend attachments. In between brushings, rinse dentures after every meal. Clean with a denture cleaner. Hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid can be used for cleaning dentures. Household cleansers and many kinds of toothpaste may be too abrasive for dentures and should not be used. Also, avoid using bleach because this may whiten the pink portion of the denture. Use an Ultrasonic brush as a supplemental cleaner.

Dentures need to be kept moist when not being worn so they do not dry out or lose their shape. Therefore when not worn, dentures should be placed in a denture cleanser soaking solution or in water. However, if the denture has metal attachments, the attachments could tarnish if placed in a soaking solution. Dentures should never be placed in hot water, as it can cause them to warp.


Implant Supported Dentures at the Tijuana Clinic for Cosmetic Dentistry with Dr. Shirley Baker DDS

Implant Supported Dentures at the Tijuana Clinic for Cosmetic Dentistry with Dr. Shirley Baker DDS